Thankful Thursday, Time to move on.

After a long thought process I have decided to leave “Blogworld.” It’s not because I haven’t enjoyed it or because I haven’t met some great people through blogging because I have. But there are other reasons that are pushing me to change directions and break away from blogging. The first and most obvious is the time involved. Back when I had more time to devote to blogging, I had a large following. I posted almost daily and I visited a number of your blogs just as frequently. Over the past year, my life has gotten so hectic that I almost never have time to blog and when I do I am so hurried that I really don’t put the time into my posts to write anything solid. The last holdout was my Thankful Thursday posts which even though I enjoy doing, I don’t "feel" them like I used to. It’s not that I am not thankful because I am. In fact every Thursday now I wake up and the first thing on my mind is thinking of what I am thankful for. And I do have so much to be thankful for. And to...