
Showing posts from September, 2009

Random Dozen

It's that time again. Another edition of Random Dozen hosted by Lid at 2nd cup of coffee . So without further ado, lets get started. 1. Tell me the absolute best way to watch a movie. That depends on the type of movie. For a scary movie, it has to be late at night with the lights turned down low. For a comedy, I like to watch in the morning in my “don’t let anyone see me wearing these” clothes. For chick flicks, I prefer to let my wife watch them after I have left the room. 2. Do you ever think about your own funeral? If so, do you have specific ideas about how you would like it to be? I would like an old time southern funeral. I would like to be taken down the road in a casket on a mule drawn wagon. Then as I reach my yard, I want the band to switch to an upbeat rendition of: “When the Saints go marching in.” Then I want there to be a big party and after that burn me on a bonfire. Is this legal? 3. Are you more of a giver or a taker? That depends. If you are a money giver, th...

Is it safe?

I am almost afraid to walk outside these days. There are so many crazies running around that it is enough to make Mr-T look over his shoulder. But then a product like this comes along which lets me know that all is right with the world. My only regret is that I didn't think about it first. Ok so if you were bored enough to watch the entire video, you have to be saying; "I want one of those talking dog tags" I know I did. Only I am not going to use it on the dog since I don't have one. Instead I am going to start a fashion trend and wear it myself. And for the audio, I will get a dog to bark into it. Have a great day, Greg

Is it Blogworthy?

Blogworthy? If you are like me then your blogging talents aren’t greatly appreciated by your family. I can deal with this fact. So when someone in my family makes the statement; Dad, that’s blogworthy then you owe it to your family and the blog community as a whole to tell the story. And I do think it is a good story too. The only problem I had was what to call it. Here are some names I came up with: A stink bug by any other name….. Something that really doesn’t taste like chicken…… Bugs, they aren’t just for birds anymore…… “And-I-gotta-da-beatle” baby…… (you may show your age if you know what this one meant) I ate a bug and I (didn’t) like it……. A lot of things in this world don’t make sense on the surface. Take spiders. They are scary, they are annoying and they have a tendency to spin their webs in places where I walk. But I do know without them the world would be overrun with bugs. And then there are fire ants. Anyone that has been stung by these little fire bugs knows that they p...

Thankful Thursday. The places I've been.

Over the past few days, I have been trying to come up with a destination for a winter vacation. It will probably only be a few day break but I am trying to find a place that will interest everyone in my family as well as get in a little rest and relaxation. (This just might be an impossible task) As I go over all the possible places that I would consider going, I am reminded of all the places I have been. I have to say that I have been more places than most people. And I can truly say that God’s work is amazing and I am Thankful for everything He has given me and the places He has taken me; 1. I have been to Italy and dined on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. I had pasta, with fresh bread and sipped on wine while watching the fishing boats come and go. 2. I tasted seafood at Fisherman’s Wharf as I enjoyed the sights and sounds of that area. I don’t think I will ever forget the smell of all that seafood cooking in the outdoor markets. 3. I enjoyed a picnic along a little stream on a ...

Random Dozen Thingy.

I decided to participate again in the ever popular Random Dozen over at Second cup of Coffee. Why am I doing this you might ask? A. Because I had nothing better to post about? No I have another post ready for publishing. B. Because "Lid" emailed me and begged me to do it? No again, although I wouldn't put it past her to do that. C. Because I am a nice guy? Well that is true but that's not the reason. D. Because You my readers "want to know" and since I am a person "in the know" I will tell you. Yep that's it. Note: The fact that another post was needed to scoot that picture of the loveboat off my screen had nothing to do with it, I swear. Anywhoo.... Here are the questions with the correct answers: 1. Please share one middle school memory. It can be good, bad, ugly, funny. Pictures or words, I don't care, just share. Ok since I gave a bad one last time, let me go with a good one. I have always been really good in math. I made straight A’s s...

I won, I won.

Kat over at Heart 2 Heart has given me another award. “The Friendship Award” She is some kind of giving person is all I can say. It’s kind of a coincidence that I would get this award today because earlier I was looking at all the distant visitors that I have had on my blog recently. Many of them come from places that I can’t even pronounce but somehow they managed to find me. Today for instance I had a visitor from the French Alps. I think that is just amazing that someone up in the Alps is sitting at a little computer desk, looking at my blog while outside a woman is singing “The hills are alive with the sound of music.” Well it might be happening, we really don’t know. Anywhoo. As I was looking at my Sitemeter and all the visitors to my blog, I pondered the huge responsibility that we bloggers have. I mean what we write is out there for every person on this planet to see so it is up to us to make sure it is not only Blogworthy but child friendly. And I personally want to make sure t...

The Love Boat

Oh I remember it well. Those Love Boat Cruises where the captain and crew did everything to make their passengers have the best time ever. They did everything from free babysitting to mending broken relationships. And through it all they kept those perky smiles on their faces. Excuse me for a second while I get sick. Anywho…… Well they have done it again. Carnival Cruise Lines that is. First it was the singles cruise, then the gay and lesbian cruise, followed closely by the divorced cruise and let’s not forget the au natural cruise. But this latest one tops them all. Yes I am taking about the Cougar Cruise. But before you go looking for a big cat to take along with you on your cruise be forewarned. We aren’t talking about these cougars; We are talking about these cougars; And from what I have heard, the second type of cougar is much more dangerous. That’s right, Carnival Cruise Lines is arranging a Cougar cruise for this December and it is sure to be a fun cruise as long as you are an ...

My world keeps spinning.

A lot of people have been asking me what a Spinning is. Well first off let me tell you what it isn’t. We aren’t Whirling Dervishes or anything like that although I do think that is kind of cool in a freaky kind of way. I get dizzy just watching them spin around. We actually just ride stationary bicycles but it isn’t just that simple. The leader puts on some music and we all grove to the beat while she leads us on our ride. We start out by warming up for a bit before getting down to business. After the warmup, our fearless leader tells us what to do. She will tell us to adjust the tension to simulate a climb or a hill and to sprint or go easy. She may also tell us to get out of the saddle which means get your butt up off the seat. Sometimes we do jogs, sometimes running and sometimes we do jumps up and down. All the while there is music playing. The room is usually dimly lit and at times the lights are turned off. That is usually when the ride is getting really intense. The room where w...

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again. Time to celebrate Thankful Thursday Please join me, Sonya and all the others in taking a moment to be thankful for the blessings that God has given us. 1. I am thankful for all my Blog friends. You are all really wonderful people. After my last post, I got a lot of uplifting and encouraging emails. Thank you all. 2. I am thankful for my broken riding mower. I am not sure why yet but there must be a reason for it breaking down. The part that I went to get turned out to be the wrong one so the mower is still broken. I do however have two push mowers and two boys. Hmmmm do the math. 3. I am thankful that it is payday. I thought this day would never come. That was the longest two weeks that I can remember. Doing without makes one appreciate when you have things. I am contemplating fasting for a few days very soon. Anyone want to do it with me? 4. I am thankful for another great spin class. The songs last night were uplifting and inspirational. I found myself p...

lalalalala, memememe Do Re Me....

Don't worry, I won't sing, It’s meme time. And not to be called a slacker, I have decided to not only do one, but two meme’s today. So I guess this is a memememe. The first one is from Kat from Heart2Heart blog. It is pretty easy. I just asked for 5 words and I am supposed to expound on them a bit. Here are the five words that Kat gave me: 1. Love. Love is one of those things that’s very hard to explain because it means different things to different people. I think it is a necessity in life and falls right in there with oxygen, food and water. Hey that would make a great song; Love is like Oxygen, you get too much you get too high, not enough and your gonna die. Ok, been done already. 2. Happiness. I think the secret to happiness is to be satisfied with what you have. If you are looking for equality in this world you aren’t going to find it. Someone will always have more than you or something that seems better than you. The grass will always look greener on the other side. ...

My plans have changed.

Well I had plans on working all weekend but those plans were changed for me on Friday afternoon. About 5 minutes before I left work on Friday, my boss called me to tell me that they wouldn’t be needing my services all weekend. It seems that my schedule was so good that it could stand on its’ own. So there went 20 hours of overtime that I had planned on. And all those plans that my family made around my overtime were also changed. When I got home on Friday, I found out that the riding mower had quit working. How bad could it be I thought. 10, 20, 30 dollars to fix? Well we are talking $300.00 just for the parts. But at least I have the ability to do it myself. I am sure it would be around $500.00 to take it in somewhere. And the sad part is I could buy a new one for about $900.00. But wait, I just found someone selling the part I need on Craigslist for $40.00. Keep your fingers crossed for me please. Saturday, I went to the market since I wasn’t working at my regular job (as planned)....

Thankful Thursday, trying to stay positive

Wow where do I begin. Thursday just kind of snuck up on me. And I do want to participate in Thankful Thursday . 1. I am thankful for having a job however I just spend three days in class listening to everyone complain about their job. Obviously others where I work don’t share my enthusiasm for having a great paying job. Obviously $24.00 an hour isn’t enough to sit in an air conditioned classroom eating free snacks and sodas and listening to someone tell you how something works. But I am thankful. 2. I am thankful that while I was in class these past few days someone made some changes to the schedule I have been working on for the past 8 months. Unfortunately, they didn’t know what they were doing and they ruined my schedule, causing me to do major rework. And the outage that I wrote the schedule for….It starts tomorrow. No biggie, I have a backup. And I am thankful. 3. I am thankful for the opportunity to make lots of money. I will be working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next...

Well I hope you have an explanation for your actions

Apparently some of you have been lax in your blogging duties. Apparently some of you have been missing and haven't been blogging much lately. Oh wait, that's me. I am soooooooo sorry. I actually took some time off for the Labor Day weekend and apparently I am having a little trouble getting started again. So what has been going on with me you might ask: golfing with family fishing with family swimming with family gardening with family dinning with family relaxing with family So Labor day was all about family for me. And now I am back at work. And they have me in another class which prevents me from blogging during the day. Talk about torture. But I promise I will be back to my usual blogging self in a day or two. I have my next post all planned out and ready to go once I get some time to write it. So please come back in a day or two for the complete update. See you soon, Have a great day, Greg

Labor Day thoughts.

I know why we celebrate most holidays but for the life if me, I don’t know what Labor Day is all about. Is it a motherly thing where we celebrate giving birth? If so then it would only be a female holiday. And we all know that men do a lot of Labor Day celebrating so that isn’t it. Are we celebrating working hard? If that is the case, I know a lot of people who should never be allowed to celebrate this one. (Some where I work) I do believe it has something to do with working but it still doesn’t make any sense to me; I thought getting a day off for working hard was called “vacation.” And all those people who work at department stores don’t get much of a holiday because they have to work the Labor Day Sales. Not to mention all the men who slave over a hot grill all day to make the perfect hamburger. So no matter why you are celebrating, who has plans for Labor Day? I have a full weekend schedule. Here are a few of the things on my list: Go to the market, Go to Church, Go golfing, Go ...

And the winner is...Thankful Thursday

Another Thankful Thursday is here. I wasn't sure I would get this out because I have class all day today. However my co-worker volentered to cover the morning meeting for me so I have an extra 45 minutes to get this done. So before I run out of time, here goes; 1. I had another great spin class last night. I am not hurting as much as I did the first few weeks so I must be getting stronger. I thank God for the strength to continue on my quest to get in shape. I also thank Mary for keeping us motivated. 2. A biggie for me this week has been my amazing children. I am so thankful that I have great boys who have some really great values. 3. I am thankful for my wife who does so much around the house and I know I don't say thank you near enough. She does everything around the house so I don't have to. 4. I thank God for all the amazing blessings he keeps giving me. I must be doing something right because things just keep going my way. I feel the need to do more too. 5. I am thank...

Sorry, I can’t help myself.

I know it isn’t proper and we shouldn’t do it and some people hate it when we do it. The Bible even says we shouldn’t do it. But some of you parents out there know that there comes a time when the urge to do it is just overwhelming and we have to do it before we burst. Of course I am talking about bragging, and not just any bragging; “Child bragging.” For the sake of the non parents, I will make it brief (even though I don’t want to). Yesterday at school, my youngest son (Sean) was on the playground when another student toppled over. From the sound of it, he was having some kind of seizure. One teacher ran to his aid but none of the students offered to help. (None except Sean that is) I have to say that this is middle school and the children do need to maintain that “cool image” but where is the compassion for another human being? Anywhoo, Sean ran over and helped the teacher with the other student. Sean is only 12 but he is a large boy, (standing over 6’ tall) so he was able to p...

In case you were wondering....

No I didn't forget about the giveaway. Did you? I have to get together all the entries and put them all in a hat the size of Texas and get a name drawn. After that, I will be picking up the prizes, getting them all in a box and shipping them out to who knows where. I figure this may take me about a year or so. Please be patient. Seriously, I will try to get this all done in the next few weeks. So stand by for the winning name if you happen to be one of the people who entered. I will have that posted in a few days. Some of you have more than 20 names in the hat and I do want to get the numbers correct. Stay tuned and have a great day, Greg