Spring is here in all its glory. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing and the flowers are blooming. And you know what that means…. time to sell tadpoles. Now most of you are probably thinking that no one could sell tadpoles because no one in their right mind would buy them. Wrong. We proved it. A few years back when we first started going to the flea market, my son came up with the idea of selling tadpoles. This is how it all began; We were going to the flea market selling plants. We had a few water plants to sell as well. We thought it would be a great kid-attractor to have a minnow in the jar with the plant and it was. Kids can spot a live animal a mile away. When families were walking by our booth, more often than not, the young children would see something moving in the jars and stop to see what it was. Most of the time, the parents stopped as well. The first step in making a sale is to get someone to stop so we were on our way to a sale. If the child wanted the fish, we wou...